Ask A Coach

How can I strengthen my desire?

I find myself in a funk lately where nothing seems exciting. I have goals, such as to lose weight and get down to my ideal weight and to have more energy, but these goals feel just “meh” and I find I don’t really care that much if I achieve them or not. It bothers me because these same goals used to fire me up! I WANT to be excited about my goals and desires but I just don’t. Please help! Possibly some lines of thoughts or questions or practices that can help me get in touch with my desires and strengthen them enough that I don’t quit on myself. Thank you.


This is a great question to ask since you are starting to understand the model and the power of our thoughts.

C- weight loss
T- I want to be excited about my goals and desires but I just don’t.
F-meh (apathy)
A- worry about sticking to the goal
-thinking the only way to accomplish a goal is to be fired up
R- you only work on goals when you are motivated so you don’t move forward

One of the dangers of thinking this way is that you trick yourself into believing that the only way to get anything done is to be 100% fired up. You get burned out using this mentality.

What do you think would happen if you just decided to use commitment or dedication or even some perseverance as the emotional fuel? How different would you show up under these emotions?

I like to use the analogy of a roller coaster. The highs are super high and the lows are super low- which means if you are doing great you can feel really good about yourself but then when things aren’t going great you think really poorly about yourself. I don’t want you to have this dramatic difference in your life.

What thoughts come up with this response?